How to prepare Fund Flow statement
Before preparing of fund flow statement, you must know different accounting
terms in fund flow statement.
1.Why did Company not issue dividend, even company has obtained profit?
2.What happened with net profit, where did it go?
3.What did Company do with the fund received from selling of shares and debentures?
What are main sources of company to repay his debts?
3.What did Company do with the fund received from selling of shares and debentures?
What are main sources of company to repay his debts?
So, above questions’ answer can be given after making fund flow statements.
Definition of Fund
Fund means working capital. If current assets of company is more than
current liability of business, it is called working capital and working capital’s other name is Fund.
Fund = Working capital = Current assets – Current liability
Definition of Flow of Fund
Flow of fund means movement of fund. I take the example of air; we can feel
its movement or flow of air. Same thing is happen with fund, due to the activity of business fund is transfer from one
asset to another assets. If fixed assets are converted into current asset or fixed liability is converted into
current liabilities, these are the flow of fund. But if current assets are changed with current assets or current assets are
changed into current liabilities, then, there is no flow of fund because there is no change working capital.
Suppose, we get the money from debtor, this is not flow of fund because, working capital is not changed. Both items of current
assets and when current assets change into current assets, there will not be change in working capital.
Flow of Fund = Fixed asset changes into current asset or current asset
changes into fixed assets
Or Fixed liability changes into current liability or current liability changes
into fixed liability.
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