Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What is development marketing

What is development marketing? Web development marketing has grown out of traditional marketing forms adapting conventional methods to the new demands of a very intricate and competitive market like the Internet. There are people who have made a career in web design, online marketing and other related professions that support the functionality of businesses on the Internet. There are even companies that provide web development marketing services tailored to the particular business needs of every company. The first task facing Atlas is to identify its potential long-run opportunities given its market experience and core competencies. Atlas can design its cameras with better features. Whichever direction it chooses, it must develop concrete market plans that specify the marketing strategy and tactics going forward.

Capturing marketing insights

To understand what is happening inside and outside company, Atlas needs a reliable marketing information system; it will want to closely motor its marketing environment.
Atlas's micro-environment consists of all the players 10 affect the company's ability to produce and sell cameras-suppliers, marketing inter diaries, customers, and competitors. Atlas also needs a dependable marketing research system. Marketing research is an indispensable tool for assessing buyer wants and behavior and actual and potential market size. An important part of gathering environmental information includes measuring market potential and forecasting future demand.
To transform marketing strategy into market: programs marketing managers must make basic decisions on marketing expenditures, marketing activities, and marketing allocation. How many dollars should support Atlas's or three camera lines? Direct versus distributor sales? Direct-mail  advertising  versus  trade-magazine advertising?  East Coast markets versus West Coast markets? Atlas must consider how to best create value for its chosen target markets and develop strong, profitable, long-term relationships with customers. To do so, Atlas needs to understand consumer markets. Who buys and why do they buy? Atlas also sells cameras to business markets, including large corporations, professional firms, retailers, and government agencies. It needs a sales force that is well trained in presenting product benefits.

Atlas will not want to market to all possible customers. Modern marketing practice calls for dividing the market into major market segments, evaluating each segment, and targeting those market segments that the company can best serve.

Building strong brands

Suppose Atlas decides to focus on the consumer market and develop a positioning strategy. Should Atlas position its cameras as the "Cadillac" brand, offering superior cameras at a premium price with excellent service and strong advertising? Should it build a simple, low-priced camera aimed at more price-conscious consumers? Should it develop a medium-quality, medium priced camera? Furthermore, strategy choice will depend on whether the firm is a market leader, challenger or follower. Look into the web development marketing strategies suggested by one company or another before you decide which to contract. When you have marketing knowledge yourself, a marketing service is just an aid you rely on, not a must-have condition for the functionality of your business.

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